Yami, Crushing Flowers.
Dimensions & Medium: 18x24” – Oil on Canvas.
Date: 2012

Background Still for Dead Meadow’s “Three Kings” film.
Dimensions & Medium: 18x24” – Oil on Canvas Panel.
Date: 2010

Background Still for Dead Meadow’s “Three Kings” film.
Dimensions & Medium: 18x24” – Oil on Canvas Panel.
Date: 2010

Background Still for Dead Meadow’s “Three Kings” film.
Dimensions & Medium: 18x24” – Oil on Canvas Panel.
Date: 2010

Background Still for Dead Meadow’s “Three Kings” film.
Dimensions & Medium: 18x24” – Oil on Canvas Panel.
Date: 2010

Background Still for Dead Meadow’s “Three Kings” film.
Dimensions & Medium: 18x24” – Oil on Canvas Panel.
Date: 2010

Background Still for Dead Meadow’s “Three Kings” film.
Dimensions & Medium: 18x24” – Oil on Canvas Panel.
Date: 2010

“Cassandrian Exodus” Fiver’s Foresight & The Long Hare of Death-1. (2011)
18x26 in. (apprx.) Graphite, Ink & Watercolor on Paper.
Description: This is the center piece in an ensemble of 5 images that revolve around R. Adams’ story: “Watership Down." These were included in the group show (curated by Greg Simkins for Gallery 1988) entitled: "INLE.” They feature four drawings of rabbits from various social castes: Aristocracy, Priestly, Merchant and Peasant. I used traditional playing card suits (which is what they originally represent) to symbolize each of these classes. I also show these various suits sealed in jars to demonstrate that each of these four rabbits feel safe and secure in, but are existentially limited by their social roles. However, in the fifth/central drawing we see Fiver (the visionary of the story) challenged by the presence of death & class which he must negotiate and transcend if he is to fulfill his destiny. Finally, I’ve included the temple serpents (from the original Cassandra) licking Fiver’s ears clean and therefore providing him with the unfathomable, yet driving vision of things to come.

“Cassandrian Exodus” Fiver’s Foresight & The Long Hare of Death-2. (2011)
5 ½ x 9 ½ in. Graphite, Ink & Watercolor on Paper.
Description: Aristocracy caste.

“Cassandrian Exodus” Fiver’s Foresight & The Long Hare of Death-3. (2011)
6 ½ x11 ½ in. Graphite, Ink & Watercolor on Paper.
Description: Merchant caste.

“Cassandrian Exodus” Fiver’s Foresight & The Long Hare of Death-4. (2011)
6 ½ x11 ½” Graphite, Ink & Watercolor on Paper.
Description: Priestly caste.

“Cassandrian Exodus” Fiver’s Foresight & The Long Hare of Death-5.(2011)
8 ½ x 13 ½ in. Graphite, Ink & Watercolor on Paper.
Description: Peasant caste.

Krampus & The Ghost of Christmas Past. (2004)
18 x23 in. Graphite, Ink & Watercolor on Paper.
Description: “Krampus Christmas Show” group show piece -- Copro Gallery.

Chance Dances With Cars. (2008)
16x16” in. Graphite & Watercolor on Paper.
Description: A Hotrodder’s continuation on Grant Wood’s “Death on the Ridge Road,” “Carnivoria” group show piece -- L’imagerie Gallery.